Hi Pillars!

Thank you for visiting our “Support our mission” page.

Given your presence here, it is evident that you comprehend the mission, the vision, and most importantly, the profound significance and power of giving.

In recognition of your generous contributions, Pillars of Life Foundation Inc. will be able to allocate the requisite resources to facilitate the empowerment of our community through educational initiatives, charitable donations, and scholarships.

Contribute to our mission




Pillars of Life Foundation Inc is a section 501(c) (3) organization. EIN is 93-318427. All donations are deemed tax-deducible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

No amounts exceeding $100.00.

**In-Person Pickup**


Make a difference by taking small, intentional actions that ripple out to create lasting change. Acts of kindness, advocacy, or leading by example contribute to a larger impact. Recognize that even the smallest gesture can inspire others, challenge the status quo, and save the future. Commit to positive change to transform your life and uplift your community, creating momentum toward a better world.

“Our greatest natural resource is the mind of our children.
— Walt Disney